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Fortnite Org Power Rankings Leaderboard

Ranks are based on the results of competitive events played in 2024 only.

The roster is composed of the top four players who gained the most PR Points while in the organization.

* Player is no longer on the team

Rank Organization Roster PR Points Earnings
1 Khanada, Bugha, Dukez, Acorn 201,976 $242,600
2 Eomzo, Muz, npen, Kwanti 165,979 $36,075
3 Peterbot, Reet * , Parz * , Cented 142,401 $145,550
4 Aminished, Tavern, Zandaa, Yumi 129,684 $14,000
5 Vanillaz, Krisp * , Ritual * , Trashy 117,955 $86,050
6 Highr, Convic, Raze, Ceneto 117,929 $14,375
7 Batman Bugha, Bacca, Revised, bullyslayrr 97,942 $17,650
8 Threats, Cold 85,165 $151,600
9 Broken, Jezejearim, Skayter, nvtylerh 82,209 $4,750
10 Freeze, Evyn, Lancers, Hakkioo 76,059 $3,150
11 jojofishy, Nekko, yyEdge, Tenley 63,192 $2,225
12 EpikWhale, Nate Hill, Ronaldo, Replays 60,949 $67,525
13 Curve, jj0sh, Akechi * , Sovzy * 58,104 $675
14 Curly, Nurface, Mochi, Yusi 56,707 $200
15 Clix 55,721 $67,325
16 Hxvac * , Herk, Decay * , Mungiki 55,641 $825
17 Pigle * , Beast * , Dash, Vergo 53,874 $1,875
18 IGNA, Inqyns, kayserx , Noxy1x 48,469 $825
19 PXMP, verT, Brycx, Ritual 47,309 $1,700
20 Sphinx 45,407 $10,525
21 Seek, Maxo * , Parz, Noxy 44,619 $3,400
22 Boltz, Bacon, Shadow, Bylah 40,300 $1,475
23 Cyrzr, Cesar, AIMRED, Blindzz 36,962 $1,975
24 Golden, Ozone, Vortek, Aiden 36,532 $875
25 shore , Cyrzr * , Kirillian, Tetro 34,179 $600
26 BatmanJoe, Aaron , Dub, Fredbot 33,760 $500
27 PXMP * , Lyts, Mechton, Krypas 33,192 $925
28 Flo, Swurl, Snappy, 7Ballerz 33,164 $1,325
29 Blake, Assault, Nittle 30,763 $1,700
30 Braydz , Kyled6, Kruyor 26,603 $425
31 Mew * , Clikzy 23,834 $1,450
32 Hades, Biylox, Akechi, Quaced 23,435 $0
33 Mew, Xpon, Krim, Zookez 21,698 $450
34 Papiblast, DragonRG, Dorito, BigYiyan 21,633 $100
35 Willrz * , vBqtify, Saucyrn * 19,924 $825
36 Noizy, Robinznn, Rift 19,377 $1,025
37 Pollo 18,702 $1,600
38 Resypical, Statix 16,392 $450
39 Yuz, Sticks, Zorq, snaz 16,191 $450
40 Yuma, ExhaleKAR, Dorito * 8,855 $200
41 Real, Andinio, Devin, Swag 8,692 $0
42 Danyfishy, iSweat, ZLink * , Nacim 8,023 $300
43 Braden, Doma * 7,628 $600
44 KomanderK, Jadenx , Nico 6,964 $300
45 Scoped, Alixxa, Stretch 5,238 $0
46 nosn 2,743 $100
47 Tann, Ryaic, Drizzoo, Nano 2,143 $0
48 Edward 872 $0
49 Rehx 790 $0
50 Justice 28 $0
51 Smqcked, HazthaGreat, Yung Calculator 0 $0
52 Jelty 0 $0
53 ItsSambo3 0 $0
54 Slackes 0 $0
55 Cazz, Whofishy 0 $0
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