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The next content update is coming this week, and it looks like they'll be adding the Shadow Bombs, which lends further credibility to the 'Kevin' theories.

Epic Games is constantly adding new items to Frotnite, and last night's news feed introduced us to the newest addition: Shadow Bombs.

Thanks to some leaks a couple of weeks ago, we have some additional information as to what these Shadow Bombs will do.

According to the leaked information, the Shadow Bombs will be to the Shadow Stones as the Rift-to-Go is to the Rifts. It will be a carryable item that will grant you the same effects as Shadow Stones did.

Since the item has already graced the news feed, we can safely assume it will be added to Fortnite in this week's content update.

This new item also points to the possibility of Kevin having something to do with the current happenings at Loot Lake. This was, after all, Kevin's final resting place, and the addition of a Kevin-related item may suggest he will be returning to the Fortnite world in some fashion.

Are you excited for the Shadow Bombs, or do you think they'll be another redundant addition to the game? Let us know on Twitter: @FortniteTracker

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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