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Fortnite has a few plotlines going at the same time right now. The Snow King has dominated the map, but what's going on a Polar Peak?

It hasn't even been a week since the Ice King showered the map with snow, fog, and zombies. While the zombies are providing us with some shields and unique cosmetics through the challenges, I don't think it's a stretch to say that most players are waiting for them to go away.

Although the whole map is now covered in snow, it's not getting any colder. The Ice at Polar Peak continues to melt, revealing more of the castle and the dungeon underneath.

The first big news involved players finding dragon eggs underneath the ice. These will likely come into play later, but the ice kept melting and revealed something else in the dungeons.

There appears to be a prisoner down there, as is evidenced by the chains sticking out of (presumably) one of the last blocks of ice. Lucas7Yoshi was able to uncover a bit of the prisoner for a closer look.

If we assume that this castle is the Ice King's palace, then we can assume that this is a prisoner of the Ice King. When the ice thaws fully, this character will be free and can battle the Ice King. He may even use the dragons to help him melt the rest of the ice on the map.

This prisoner is likely the skin we will receive by finishing 60 weekly challenges. He could also be the saviour we need to get rid of the fog and zombies on the map.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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