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As 2022 comes to an end, today I will summarize the year, ranking the top, therefore, players in the world. The criteria I base this on are the quantity and quality of placements, especially in LAN tournaments like DreamHack or Gamers8 and in majors like FNCS. I have tried to include players from every region.

15. Alex

Number fifteen, there's a Alex, a player who deserves more but can't put him higher cause of his region, which is less competitive than others. He started the year by placing in every solo and duo cash cup. He placed 3rd in the FNCS Chapter 3 Season n1 Grand Finals with Baily. He won a lot of other cash cups. He placed 2nd in the FNCS Chapter 3 Season 2 Grands. He continued to win cash cups until he finally won the FNCS Chapter 3 Season 3 Grands, qualifying for the FNCS Invitational, in which, unfortunately, he placed 46th. Little trivia: He is the player with the most tournaments won ever in 2022.

14. Xeat

I'm ranking Xeat number #14 because he has conquered South America playing with KBR, but he won more tournaments, solos included. He placed 4th in the Chapter 3 season 1 final, 1st in the Chapter 3 Season 2 finals, and 20th in the chapter 3 season 3 finals. They placed 9th at the FNCS Invitational.

13. Zagou

Zagou has been one of the most impressive players worldwide. No one would have expected a player from the Asian region to pop off that hard. Even tho Runa and Pepoclip won two fncs this year, zagou has shown more personality in the FNCS Invitational. He started placing well when he started playing with Merem; they won the FNCS chapter 3 season 3 grands and multiple cash cups. Top 30 at the fncs invitational.

12. EpikWhale

EpikWhale started the year playing with Arkham winning every cash cup in North America West; however, placing only in the top 15 in the FNCS Chapter 3 Season 1, and third in the FNCS Chapter 3 Season 2 Grand Finals. He boasts placings in the various DreamHacks but, most notably, a win in the Gamers8 in lan along with Malibuca. Again, in North America, Favs and Snacky won two out of three fncs, but I feel like putting EpikWhale in this ranking and not them.


11. Trippern

Despite 2022 has been his pop-off year, I'm putting him in the top 11. He played his first FNCS, with Zroqz placing 16th. Immediately after this tournament, he started playing with Th0masHD and winning several cash cups, top 3 at FNCS grands in Chapter 3 Season 2, and several placings at DreamHacks. Thirteenth place at Gamers8 and sixth at the FNCS of Chapter 3 Season 3. Fourth at the FNCS Invitational.

10. Merstach

Merstach and Malibuca have been among the players most in the spotlight throughout the year. Fifteenth place at the first FNCS Of the year, several podiums in the cash cups. Several placings in the DreamHacks. Top 4 at FNCS in Chapter 3, Season 2 and many more podiums. Top 78 at Gamers8 and top 16 at the FNCS Invitational.

9. Phzin

Phzin, along with Kitoz, has been among the best players in the entire year in the entire South American region. They start the year by winning several cash cups and the year's first FNCS. Phzin boasts 8 tournaments won in 2022 and 17 total podium finishes. The most notable placing was a top 5 at the FNCS Invitational.

8. Cented

Cented has proven for the umpteenth time that he is one of the best players in Fortnite history. At the beginning of the year, he took Cold under his wing and groomed him to become among the best in his region. They won several cash cups and placed in the top 5 in the first FNCS. After this first major experience, they started to get into gear and brought home second place in the second FNCS of the year, plus several wins in the various cash cups. They end the year with a top 3 in the FNCS Invitational.

7. Malibuca

As for Malibuca, there's not much to say. The same applies as I said for Merstach just earlier. The only difference between the two is that Malibuca boasts wins and several podiums even in solo cash cups, plus the Gamers8 win with EpikWhale.

6. Th0masHD

Th0masHD started the year winless but placed third, with Tayson, in the first FNCS. At the beginning of Chapter 2, he started playing with trippern, who took TaySon's place. They only win a couple of cash cups and place top 3 again at the FNCS grand finals. Th0mas also boasts a few DreamHack placements, such as a top 10 at DreamHack Summer or a top 6 at DreamHack Winter. These also include a top 6 at Gamers8. Finally, he placed top 6 at the last FNCS of the year and fourth at the FNCS Invitational. Unlike his partner, he boasts several solo placements.

5. Acorn

Acorn was the best player of 2022 in North America. He won 9 different tournaments over the year, outperforming everyone in his region. He starts the year changing various duos until he finds Khanada, with whom he starts to place well in several cash cups. They will place in the top 6 at the first FNCS. At the beginning of Season 2, he starts playing with Edgey, they manage to bring several important results, but the most important one is a top 4 at FNCS Della season 2. He boasts a top 8 at Gamers8 and a top 7 at the last FNCS of the year. During season 3, he manages to win 5 cash cups. He ranks top 13 at the FNCS invitational.

4. Veno

Veno has been one of the top 2022 players in Europe, going from playing with Joe and placing top 12 at the first FNCS Dell'anno to winning the FNCS Della season 2 and several cash cups with Aqua. He also boasts several lan placements, including a top 12 at Gamers8 and a top 7 at DreamHack Winter. He starts playing with Queasy. They place third at the last FNCS of the year. The end of season 3 marks a new beginning for the two players who end the season by winning a cash cup and then winning four during season 4. Second place at the FNCS Invitational.

3. Queasy

What was said earlier for Veno also applies to queasy. The difference between the two is that Queasy is the player with the most tournaments won in the entire region (9). In addition, he boasts of winning the first FNCS of the year with Hen, multiple significant results in the various cash cups, a fifth place at Gamers8, and multiple placements at lan DreamHack tournaments.

2. Setty

Setty begins the year playing with Chapix. The two bring interesting results but rank in the top 44 in the first fncs of the year. This causes the duo to split, and it is here that one of the most potent duos in Fortnite history ever is formed, the one with kami. They placed fifth in the first FNCS as a duo together. Setty wins the DreamHack summer with the same points as kami, who places second. This is followed by several wins and high placings in the various cash cups. A top 3 at gamers8 with Kami. A top 9 in the last fncs of the year. A top 30 at DreamHack Atlanta and a top 23 at DreamHack Winter. The most important placement, of course, is winning the FNCS Invitational.

1. Kami

The only difference between Kami and Setty is the number of solo cash cups Kami has placed in compared to his duo. They are practically equal.

Author Bio

Andrea Memoli

Zenko is an Esports manager specializing in Fortnite, he has worked with two of the best organizations in Europe (Become Legends) and NA (Fusion Esports).


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