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Fortnite players on PC will soon be able to use a new Diagonal Movement setting when running.

Controller versus PC is an age-old debate in the Fortnite community. Each input has its own pros and cons, though only 7 controller players are set to compete at the $1 million FNCS Invitational in November.

A big advantage of using a controller is the 360-degree movement. The joysticks allow gamers to look in one direction while running in another.

To keep up, keyboard and mouse users have been using external applications to set up double movement binds. This lets them move diagonally, but Epic always seemed reluctant to confirm whether it was actually permitted.

Leaked Diagonal Movement Fortnite setting

On Friday, popular leaker @HYPEX tweeted that a new Diagonal Movement Fortnite setting is coming.

Hypex didn’t give many details on how it will work, but said that it will be available “as an option” for PC players. Potentially it will be an in-game way of setting up double movement, or an option to bind Diagonal Movement to a single key.

The Diagonal Movement option will be added in next week’s Fortnitemares 2022 update.

New damage effects

Additionally, Hypex revealed that Epic is testing some reworked damage number effects. They showcased an example of these effects in their latest player survey.

One key change is that damage numbers could become cumulative. This means that if you hit multiple shots in quick succession, for example with a burst weapon, it will add up the damage and display the total rather than the individual shots.

The numbers in the video are also a different colour and style than we’re used to. Hypex predicts that the new damage effects will go live later this season.

Author Bio

James Peskett

James is a freelance Esports writer from the United Kingdom. He has been playing Fortnite since the release of Battle Royale mode and is especially interested in the competitive scene.


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