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A record for Tik Tok as it seeks to venture deeper into gaming communities: a Fortnite gameplay post with over 1,000,000 likes

Popular YouTuber Nate “Nexiph” Evans posted a “drop montage” to his social platforms on January 13th depicting his character dropping between different points of interest. The clip takes crazy twists and turns, you’ll just have to see for yourself (if you haven’t already)

Recently, that same post made history on Tik Tok as it crossed the illustrious 1,000,000 like threshold, with over 6.6 million video plays. As Tik Tok looks to make a “strategic shift to video gaming,” a feat like this was bound to happen for the Fortnite community. It was just a matter of “when” and not “if”

As of writing, the post sits at 1.2 million likes and growing


The blend between popular gaming culture (Fortnite) and video editing that makes you do a double-take; it makes sense as to why the video was such a hit. It truly shows how some good ‘ole elbow grease, with a little bit of luck, can come together in spectacular fashion

Oh, and if you wanted to see just how Nexiph was able to manage such a visually pleasing end product, look no further. Just yesterday, he posted a behind-the-scenes insight into the production

Over the past 12 months, TikTok (owned by ByteDance Inc.) has acquired and poached over 1,000 employees tasked specifically with usurping Tencent’s stronghold on the Chinese mobile gaming market. Why does this matter at all to you, reader? Well, more competition means more investment in gaming. More investment in gaming means more careers for aspiring young talent… cough cough you!

With the metrics we’re seeing on social media platforms alongside an optimistic outlook, know that competitive gaming is here to stay

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Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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