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Popular YouTube creator Faze Sway opens up about substantial Support A Creator code losses due to not owning code “Sway”

Faze Sway is a massively popular creative warrior and freebuilder with an army of supporters exceeding 5 million between all social platforms. His rise to fame exponentiated after being picked up by Faze Clan in March of this year

Given that the majority of his following was established this year, he was unable to secure the original Support A Creator code “Sway.” Instead, Sway has been jumping between different codes and currently has “YoSway” for fans to use. Anyone who has taken Marketing 101 knows this is not the ideal strategy

That begs the question, who managed to snag the code? A substantially smaller Fortnite YouTuber that also goes by the name of Sway. He has, as of writing this article, 3,600 subscribers. Not to be mistaken for malice, Sway made his code before Faze Sway was relevant in the Fortnite community. This is undoubtedly luck; and he just happened to hit the jackpot.

First uncovered by The Fortnite Guy, Sway let slip that he amassed over $26,000 throughout the past year - on top of a staggering 8,000+ active supporters image description here

Do you think that Faze Sway should be the rightful owner of code “Sway”? Should Sway return Support A Creator funds obviously generated by Faze Sway? Let us know what you think over on Twitter

Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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