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Epic has patched an aim assist exploit in Fortnite that allowed players using mouse and keyboard to use aim assist as well.

There is a wide range of dissenting opinions within the Fortnite community, but the most contentious might be over the topic of aim assist.

Fortnite is the first game to openly embrace cross-play. Tournaments aren't relegated to specific platforms in Fortnite. Instead, everyone plays together in competitive modes.

Recently, this methodology was implemented across the game. Public matches now pin keyboard and mouse (KBM), console, and mobile players against one another in their skill-based matchmaking lobbies.

There has been some debate over whether or not this is good for the game. KBM and controller players are at each other's throats on Twitter and Reddit, but the queue times are shorter and the silent majority doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

The main issue between these two camps is that controller players get aim assist and keyboard and mouse players do not. The argument of the latter group is that they have to train their aim to get good, while controller players are able to max-out their aim relatively easily.

On the other hand, controller players argue that it's far more difficult to aim with your thumb than it is to aim with your wrist. They need some form of aim assist to compete - and KBM players have every other advantage in the book.

KBM Aim Assist Exploit

Recently, Fortnite players found an exploit that allowed them to get aim assist while using a mouse and keyboard. The initial post showing the method exploded on Reddit - even reaching Tfue who used the exploit on stream.

The problem seemed to have something to do with the advanced aim system that Epic introduced with a recent patch. The new system removed "L2 spam" and gave controller players more... well... control over their sensitivity settings but it also opened the door to a game-breaking exploit.

It was only a matter of time before Epic patched this. Thankfully, they acted sooner rather than later. There aren't any major tournaments taking place right now, so the exploit didn't cost anyone any money.

The issue should be resolved as of this writing - although I'm a console player and I can't test it for myself. You'll need to download the patch if you're on PC before you're able to play Fortnite today.

Aim assist will continue to be a hotly debated topic within Fortnite as long as controller players and PC players are in the same lobbies. I'm not sure there will ever be a remedy for this divide.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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