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Recent changes to the matchmaking system in Fortnite have allowed for skill-based matchmaking, but have also grouped all platforms - PC, console, and mobile - into the same lobbies.

Skill-based matchmaking (SBM) is good for Fortnite. Most players agree that such a system is a positive change for the community.

Bad players can get better while they play with people of similar skill - sometimes even bots. They can hone their skills, get some wins, and overall get a better feeling for the game.

Skilled players can get the experience they want without rolling through a lobby that's half-filled with opponents who don't know how to build.

The skill-based system also reduces the need for Epic to add things like the BRUTE to Fortnite. Bad players will be able to get kills in the base game when they don't have to worry about top-level players killing them.

The change to a skill-based matchmaking system was met with praise from the Fortnite community for all of the above-listed reasons.

Unfortunately, there was a hidden effect of SBM: Epic has lumped all of the Fortnite platforms into one bracket. In other words: PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch, and mobile players are all in the same lobbies by default.

No More Barriers

Skill-Based Matchmaking puts Console players with PC players (proof inside). This is unacceptable. (LONG POST) from r/FortNiteBR

The Reddit post from r/FortniteBR provides proof that the new system lumps all Fortnite players together.

Before skill-based matchmaking, lobbies were isolated to Xbox and PS4, Switch and mobile, and PC. Now, everyone is in one pool.

This is troubling for several reasons. The first is the most worrisome: Epic didn't list this change in the SBM update blog.

PC players have an inherent advantage to all other platforms. Yes, these other players have aim assist, but that's only a drop in the bucket when you consider all of the advantages PC players have.

Playing against PC players on a console is one thing, but PC and console against mobile is a whole new ball game.

Mobile players - apart from the top 0.001% - can't compete with anyone on controller or mouse and keyboard. Even Switch players will have difficulty here.

What's worse is that skill-based matchmaking now makes these matches even more punishing. If you're a beast on mobile, you're now in a lobby with PC players who have similar stats. The matchup just isn't fair.

There is likely a singular reason why Epic made these changes: Queue times.

They want to keep queue times low for everyone. There might not be a huge batch of top-tier mobile players, for instance, so they need to group them in with the other platforms.

Anyone who has played a recent game of Overwatch will know how discouraging it can be to wait five to ten minutes every time you want to play a DPS character.

This intention is understandable but it's pushing players away. Public matches have gotten more difficult for everyone not playing on PC. As the Reddit post states, it's essentially Arena without siphon.

Hopefully, Epic will address these changes soon. At the very least, some transparency would help restore some trust from the player base.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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