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Fortnite leaks point to a Major Lazer concert being the next in-game event.

We've heard some rumors from popular data miners that a new concert is heading to Fortnite; this time featuring Major Lazer.

Data miner Hypex tweeted about the concert last week, but we didn't see any files to back up his claims. After the v10.10 update, though, we saw some new leaks that strongly suggest a concert is imminent.

Major Lazer X Fortnite

New Fortnite leaks show a skin, back bling, dance, and pickaxe for Major Lazer. The last time we saw in-game leaks like this, the Marshmello concert was just around the corner.

We don't have any official information that covers when the concert will be happening, but there's a good chance it could take place within the next two weeks. My guess is that next Saturday will be the date.

We'll keep you posted when Epic officially announces the collaboration, but we can assume the concert will be the next in-game event. Here are the other two Major Lazer cosmetics added to Fortnite from @s1l0x on Twitter.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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