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Want to show another player you truly disrespect them from the bottom of your heart? These seven most toxic Fortnite emotes will get you there.

Epic has created Fortnite to be a game for everyone. Anyone who has played the game, though, knows that it's far from toxicity-free.

In other games, teabagging someone is the ultimate sign of disrespect. All you have to do is crouch a few times on a dead body to get the other player's attention and hatred. In Fortnite, things are a bit more complex.

Teabagging still works, for sure, but Epic has added several emotes that are somehow even more infuriating than the crouch-spam from games like Halo and CoD.

Here are the seven most toxic emotes in Fortnite that are sure to grant you a "1v1 me" message.

7. T-Pose

The T-Pose is more of a trolling emote than it is a purely toxic one. Still, seeing an opponent T-Pose on your corpse is never a sign that they're saying "GG."

The T-Pose works best at the end of a game. It can really get someone's blood boiling if you finish them for the win and hit the T.

6. Sad Trombone

Most of the emotes on this list are from older seasons, but this one is brand new. Epic added one of the most disrespectful emotes during Season 9 in the Sad Trombone.

The Sad Trombone is the Fortnite version of the "womp-womp." It's best used when an opponent falls to their death after building a monstrous structure, although there are many other applications for it as well.

5. Tomato

Throwing tomatoes - or another projectile for that matter - is one of the more high-level ways to troll a player. Most of the time, players throw tomatoes when they're in a stalemate ramp-push with an opponent. Both players sit there, and then the tomatoes come out.

You can also throw tomatoes at a downed player, but this strategy isn't as effective at pissing them off.

Throwing a tomato at someone can actually be a strategy if you think about it. You can make the other player angry and get them to push you, making a mistake in the process.

4. Slow Clap

The Slow Clap is another classic disrespectful emote. It can net the same results as the Laugh it Up emote we included at number 2, but it can't quite reach the same level of toxicity.

The Slow Clap is a sarcastic way of saying, "Nice try, buddy. You'll get em next time." It doesn't respect an opponents skill at all and usually works best when the other player messes up in some way.

3. Default Dance


This is the first emote put into the game and the only one that true "no skins" have. Still, it's somehow become one of the three most toxic emotes in Fortnite.

The toxicity this emote brings with it is relatively new. Players have only been using it as a sign of disrespect for two or three seasons now, even though it's been in the game since launch.

2. Laugh it Up

The Laugh it Up emote pissed me off so badly that I had to buy it the next time I saw it in the store. This one triggers me. It's as if you're laughing at a player's skill.

No emote has had me on my feet, screaming at my monitor like Laugh it Up has. This may have been the number-one spot if it weren't for the iconic position of Take the L.

1. Take the L

There's no question as to what the number-one most toxic emote in Fortnite would be. It's the old classic, "Take the L."

This emote has been causing broken keyboards players since Season 3 of Fortnite, and it hasn't cooled off since.

Out of all of the "troll" emotes in Fortnite, this one really gets the blood boiling. There's no better way to say "hahaha loser" than to L-dance on someone. It will spawn messages, 1v1 requests, and general toxicity every time.

Does another emote get your blood boiling? Let us know on Twitter @FortniteTracker

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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