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The Burst SMG was released with today's content update. It's an effective weapon, but the presence of the Drum Gun will always hold it back.

In my opinion, the Burst SMG is more than just a weapon - it's a step in the right direction.

The addition of this gun shows us that Epic is trying to move away from the spray meta.

They vaulted the Suppressed SMG - a spray weapon - and added a gun that's more equipped to deal damage than to deplete your opponent's material count. The Burst SMG can destroy structures as well, but it's not the most efficient at it.

The gun feels clean and is fun to use. Streamers have already been grabbing clips left and right with the new weapon.

To be honest, it's already a lot more popular than I thought it would be when I heard that a burst SMG was coming to the game.

Unfortunately, this gun will never get the usage it deserves as long as we're in the midst of the spray meta.

There are always going to be some spray weapons in Fortnite. Assault rifles spraying structures is one thing, but a high-powered SMG with a 50-round magazine is just plain broken.

The Drum Gun has seen at least two nerfs since it originally came out, but that doesn't reduce its effectiveness. Still, Epic put it back in the game with the unvaulting event.

It's been long enough. Epic needs to remove the Drum Gun to finally shift the meta. The addition of the Burst SMG is a good start, but only if the Drum Gun gets the boot.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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