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We've hit the midway point in Epic's release of duo teammates for the Pro-Am. Check out all of the announced players so far.

Epic has been sporadically releasing their duo teams for the Pro-Am that will take place on June 16 during their Summer Block Party event.

Today, they announced the sixth wave of contestants, which will include:

  • Airwaks and RL Grime
  • Gotaga and Jordyn Jones
  • EwokTV and Kurt Benkert
  • Lachlan and Cody Walker

This announcement puts us near the midway point with duo competitors. Epic has released 24 teams so far, and there are still some big-name streamers up for grabs.

In cased you missed it, here are all of the previous waves for the Pro-Am.

Wave 5

Wave 4

Wave 3

Wave 2

Wave 1

The Fortnite Summer Block Party will take place on June 15 and 16. The Pro-Am starts on the 16th, and the 15th will include a Creative Tournament for celebrities, pro players, and fans.

Those who stop by the Fortnite booth at E3 can even win a chance to compete at the Summer Block Party. Find out more about that here.

Follow us on Twitter @FortniteTracker for more Fortnite news.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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