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A new leak shows the first look at what could be the newest weapon coming to Fortnite.

Leaks are as big a part of each Fortnite patch as the patch notes are. Data miners get their hands on the game files right away and compete to be the first one to reveal new cosmetics, event details, challenges, and anything else the files contain.

One leak from @HYPEX and @xkleinmikex on Twitter may be giving us the first look at the next weapon coming to Fortnite. According to the game files, the gun will come in common, uncommon, and rare variants.

This gun looks as though it will perform in a similar way as the old Tac SMG did. In many ways, it just looks like the Silenced SMG without a silencer.

It's good that Epic is thinking about adding another SMG to the game. The player base has long been calling for more spray weapons.

I'm obviously joking here. Epic just added the Tac AR - which is a spray weapon - and seems to refuse to vault the Drum Gun again.

Of course, there's a possibility we never see this weapon in the live game. Most of the recent leaks have come to fruition, though, so there's a strong chance this will hit the news feed soon.

This could be a cool addition to the game as long as the Drum Gun comes out. Based on the weapons we already have, I expect this gun to have a rapid rate of fire, severe damage fall-off, and a small clip. We'll have to wait until more details come out before we know for sure.

In the meantime, follow us on Twitter @FortniteTracker.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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