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Two of the most infamous "OG" Fortnite players effectively vanished off the face of the earth; now they're hinting a return to gaming

You can't go too deep within Fortnite's origin stories without hearing two fabled names: Hamlinz and Daequan

With 2.1 and 3.8 million Twitch followers respectfully, these gamers built a vast majority of their following the first year after Fortnite's release. But both have had their fair share of struggles – leading their online presences to come to a screeching halt

A cryptic Tweet – which was obviously c0ordinated by the pair -- went live just hours ago

Both posted the eyes emoji, which is typically used to indicate that something big is on the horizon. For anything "big" to happen with this duo, they'd have to return to gaming first

And perhaps that is the big news. The previous TSM players carried the organization with their content alongside Myth and a slew of Esports pros

Both have been outspoken about mental health in the past. Hamlinz attempted to return to Twitch in the past but it turned out to be a short-lived endeavor

Much is still uncertain regarding the creators' futures. But with over 400,000 likes between two emojis, it's clear the community hasn't forgot of it's collectively nostalgic past

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Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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