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People are already calling Fortnite patch v17.10 the best update of Chapter 2!

Two weeks into Season 7 and Epic Games have made a splash before the team goes on summer break. The latest Fortnite build features a ton of new content, some much-needed balancing changes and plenty of leaked cosmetics.

Get top tier loot with Abductors

Similar in appearance to UFOs, but less hostile, alien “Abductors” will hover over a selection of POIs each game. Eventually, they will send down multiple beams, step inside one to be transported to the Mothership.

enter image description here

Once inside, you will be taken to a kind of futuristic arena, with parts of long-lost locations like Lucky Landing and Sunny Steps. Here you will race other players to collect the orange orbs before your time runs out, run into the smaller clock orbs to extend your timer.

Afterwards, you will visit the alien vault where you have about 20 seconds to open as many crates as possible and loot up. The rarity of the items you find depends on how many orange orbs you were able to secure.

Watch out for Parasites

A new type of Alien wildlife has arrived on the Island. But fear not, Parasites aren’t as scary as their name suggests.

Often found leaching on Chickens, Boars and Wolves, these alien creatures will attach themselves to your head, draining your white health bar down to 60. However, in return for this, they will grant you increased movement speed, higher jumping, and even shield you from headshot damage.

UFO & Recon Scanner nerfs

As much as the community has been loving the mayhem caused by this alien invasion, many agreed that some new items were just a little too powerful. Epic has responded quickly with a couple of solid balancing adjustments.

Flying Saucers have been hit, with the rate of fire on their plasma barrage attack being slightly reduced. Additionally, the recharge time for Recon Scanners has been increased, while the lifetime of Recon Bolts has been shortened.


If that all sounded a bit too crazy for your liking, you’ll be pleased to hear that these new Abductor ships are not available in Arena and tournament playlists.

More excitingly, the v17.10 update marks the end of the competitive preseason, meaning Arena Hype has finally been reset. The grind to Champs starts now!

Leaked skins

Dataminers have discovered a heap of summer-themed Outfits that should be arriving in the Item Shop in the coming weeks. Midas and Brutus have got their beach gear on, plus, prepare for fireworks on the fourth of July.

Check them all out below courtesy of @iFireMonkey:

Author Bio

James Peskett

James is a freelance Esports writer from the United Kingdom. He has been playing Fortnite since the release of Battle Royale mode and is especially interested in the competitive scene.


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