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Despite not having any official patch notes, the community is hard at work to unlock any and all changes to the game. Take a look at some of the top changes you’ll find in Season 2!


First and foremost, take a second to check out the Season 2 trailer and get a feel for what you should expect for the next few months

Additionally, if you’re considering purchasing the battle pass, we’ve got news for you. First off, use code FortniteTracker in the item shop to support us (shameless plug). Secondly (and more importantly), here’s the leaked battle pass trailer, which includes the fan favorite banana skin and customizable themes

As is tradition, this season’s battle pass will include 1500 vbucks by completion - way more than enough to purchase next season’s battle pass

Weapons and loot

The loot pool has been changed drastically for Season 2, with a bunch of unvaulted weapons and even some brand-new items (There could well be more yet to be discovered).

  • Suppressed SMG

  • Suppressed Pistol

  • Remote Explosives

  • Boom Bow

  • Minigun

  • Drum Gun

  • Dynamite

  • Heavy Sniper Rifle

  • Suppressed Sniper Rifle

  • Suppressed Assault Rifle (Rare/Blue)

  • Grapplers (Reduced range + Unlimited shots)

  • New Decoy Grenades

  • Damage Traps VAULTED

New Landmarks

There are a few refreshed landmarks on the map, including an “oil rig” just outside of Slurpy Swamp

As the subtext suggests, the oil rig was indeed highly hinted in the teasers. There are a few other revamped spots, we’ll have to hop into the map and report back at a later time

Customizable Skins

A vanity update to in-game cosmetics is officially here! According to HYPEX, skins will have a whole new level of customization - much farther reaching than just editable backbling and occasional style

It seems as though you’ll be able to apply and remove tattoos and clothing on select characters - most likely acquired via the battle pass or new item shop rotation. Another season without a massive buff to cosmetics would feel stale; I am more than happy to hear Epic making moves to evolve and adapt

Everything else

There is so much to cover when a new season comes out, one person simply cannot find it all within an hour. That’s why, I implore you to drop in and find out what’s changed. Let us know on Twitter and we might just shout you out!

Also, I’d like to personally give a huge shoutout to Fortnite leakers & commentators such as HYPEX & Mikey at FNBRHQ. They stay up and grind out long nights in order to give us fast and accurate information. Go follow them, and check out the developing story that is Season 2!

Follow us on Twitter to get in on all of the action!

Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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