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Someone remade Nuketown in Fortnite Creative mode and it looks perfect! With plenty of game modes to choose from this is a must-play for any Call of Duty fans.

With the recent addition of the Search and Destroy Limited Time Mode into Fortnite, Call of Duty veterans like Jack “Courage” Dunlop are in their element. However, in order to get the real COD experience, the action needs to go down on a classic map.

Luckily for us, Fortnite Creative designer Jesgran has been hard at work producing a Nuketown remake, and it doesn’t disappoint. First introduced in Call of Duty: Black Ops, the map has become a staple of the Black Ops series, being reimagined multiple times in the more recent titles.

If you’re ready to reminisce, then hop into Creative mode and try out these codes:

Nuketown Search and Destroy: 1942-1568-4246

Teams take it in turns to attack and defend the two bomb sites. No respawn, so prepare for some intense situations and get ready to clutch up.

Nuketown Gun Game: 6722-4469-6989

My personal favorite. In this Free-for-All mode, players start off with a pistol, and work their way through a series of weapons, changing each time they eliminate an opponent.

Nuketown Snipers Only: 4096-5695-3931

One for the sharpshooters. Each player spawns with one health to avoid hitmarkers and pickaxe damage is turned off.

Nuketown Domination: 3546-3097-0911

Teams fight to capture and hold three objectives in order to earn points. This must have taken a bunch of work to get right.

Nuketown Team Deathmatch: 3610-2173-1968

Nice and simple. Two teams battle it out, your only objective is to rack up as many eliminations as possible.

Author Bio

James Peskett

James is a freelance Esports writer from the United Kingdom. He has been playing Fortnite since the release of Battle Royale mode and is especially interested in the competitive scene.


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