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New video surfaced which suggests NickEh30 intentionally violated Twitch Rival’s “Streamer Bowl” rules to gain an advantage

Nicholas NickEh30 Amyoony is the household family-friendly YouTuber-turned-Twitch streamer who practically everyone knows and loves. As with all top streamers, NickEh30 was invited to the Twitch Rivals “Streamer Bowl,” where top Fortnite players linked up with top NFL players in a duos charity tournament

Once all the games concluded, NickEh30 walked away with a respectable 6th place finish alongside $30,000 for St. Jude

The story doesn’t end here, as players across the globe are furious with this clip that depicts NickEh30 conspiring with his teammate to “bend the rules”

For context, Twitch Rivals set rules in place such that different teams had to land in specific spots. In the alleged video, you can hear and see Nick talking to his NFL Vikings teammate Davis Morgan - stating intentions to land outside of the allocated area. What makes the scene more incriminating is the fact that Nick adds that they would “only receive a warning” as long as they didn’t bend the rules too much

Out of all the times you choose to “bend the rules,” a charity tournament? I’d at least understand if there was some financial gain to be had - albeit magnitudes more scummy. Here is just seems as though the competitive drive got the best of Nick, and he was caught with his metaphorical pants down on the main stage

Unfortunately, these situations have further implications than first meet the eye. Liquid Chap took to Twitter, frustrated that he didn’t place where they “deserved to”

The tweet was an obvious nod towards the NickEh30 situation. Again, it’s all for charity, which makes things that much more disheartening

As of writing, Nick hasn’t responded to the controversy. Instead, he’s resorted to blocking critical eyes on social media. In my opinion, shutting out the issues at hand only makes things worse. Nick, if you’re reading this, owning up to move on is the only real choice here

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Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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