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UnknownArmy just demolished Tom “72hrs” Mulligan in aimbot-like fashion, stirring fresh concerns of aim assist’s place in competitive play

I know - I know, you’re probably asking why we are covering the aim assist debate for a second time this week. Oh my sweet summer child, you haven’t seen anything yet. I’m warning you - this is your opportunity to turn around. You can stop here and sleep well at night. But that’s no fun, is it?

Begin scene. Pro duo scrims, NA-East. Location: Slurpy Swamp. 72hrs and Cizlucky square off against UnknownArmy and whoever he’s teaming up with (lol). 72hrs lasers UnknownArmy down to sub 100 hp. This should be a done deal for Tom, right? WRONG. UnknownArmy squares up, warms up his L2 finger for a quick second, and heads into battle. Then this happens

Five smg bullets - four of which landed for headshots while the last only tagged the body. 36*4 + 18 = 162 damage in approximately half a second. That’s a stunning 300 dps from range

No matter how many “YoU hAvE yOuR wHoLe ArM tO aIm!”’s you can throw at me, I have no explanation for this. There isn’t one keyboard and mouse player that can consistently replicate this. It is basically inhuman. Actually, it is inhuman since you need aim assist bot to do it. If you want to experience 72hr’s POV, be my guest

We can’t bring up an aim assist related homicide without covering the blow up… and 72hrs didn’t disappoint. Roll it

Tom went on to draw parallels between the use of aim assist with professional players using a crutch. Take bowling, for example. Imagine half of the bowlers using bumpers on the sides to never gutterball. Now imagine only half of the bowlers were allowed to use bumpers while the others were out of luck. Would that be fair, or provide substance to the integrity of a professional sport (or in this case, an Esport)?

No, I don’t think so. Historically, I have not taken hardlined stances on aim assist, since the problem is much more complex and nuanced than anyone can imagine. But watching this clip and realizing that the near-perfect tracking that top controller players are able to have is simply unfair

If aim assist was disabled for competitive playlists, it would absolutely cripple the controller scene. I don’t want to see aim assist get completely scratched - that’s not the argument here. The point is that we need to come up with a healthy solution for competitive play that allows top controller aimers to have the same skill level as top keyboard and mouse players, not drastically better

If you think this is a bad take, there’s a decent chance you’ve never played competitive Fortnite. I’ve been there, done that. Getting lasered by an L2 spamming controlla’ scrimma might be the most infuriating thing to deal with in the current meta. This is the hill I’ll choose to die on, and you can fight me on Twitter about it. In the meantime, take a look at this picture which explains aim assist better than my words can

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Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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