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It seems like every fight you get involved with in Fortnite Chapter 2 ends with a boom and TimTheTatman has had enough.

You know the drill. You’re build battling some sweaty player, trading shots and making edits, you finally have him one shot, then bang… The nades start. First one, then two, and before you know it you’re either dead or out of materials. This scenario seems all too common at the moment and it needs to change.

Tim “TimTheTatman” Betar has struggled with Grenades more than anyone else over the last few days and has called for Epic Games to make some adjustments. On Wednesday he posted a clip to Twitter showing how insane this problem is and how hard it can be to counter.

Obviously playing Squads mode amplifies the issue, as more people means even more chance of an RPG or Grenade frenzy. Last night Tim was playing Arena Squads with Nick “NickMercs” Kolcheff, Ali “SypherPK” Hassan and Herschel “DrDisrespect” Beahm and suffered a similar fate. At one point, Tim was the last alive when he began to be bombarded with explosives. The Doc told him “I’ll give you $5000 if you win this game”. NickMercs was about to add his own offer but it was too late. This hilarious clip shows the carnage.

Whilst it may be funny to watch back, this does definitely highlight a concern over the current Fortnite meta. Of course, when your team consists of four of the most popular streamers in the world, it is easy to point some of the blame on stream snipers, but this is a regular occurrence for a lot of players.

The main reason that so many players are using explosives right now is because there really isn’t much else to carry. People were happy to see the loot pool cleaned up for Chapter 2 and for the most part it is an improvement on previous seasons. However, with all the mobility items and other throwables vaulted, the vast majority of players will now be carrying either a Sniper, RPG or Grenades. As the rarity of the RPG was also reduced, there is even more chance of finding one whilst looting.

Now neither of these weapons are too crazily overpowered that they shouldn’t be in the game at all, but some improvements could certainly be made. Firstly, the max number of Grenades you can stack could be reduced to help with spam and make them more tactical. Secondly, as suggested by Team Liquid star Ryan “Chap” Chaplo, RPG’s could be made less common by limiting them to Supply Drops.

Luminosity Gaming pro Brandon “Yelo” Yelo also put forward the idea of making RPGs take up to slots, similar to the Bandage Gun. This would for sure decrease their popularity but may even take it too far the other way and prevent them from being viable.

As we move forward, if Epic continue to push out regular updates like we have seen in the past, then more items will be added and the loot pool will gradually become more diluted. This means more choice and less people holding explosives, but hopefully this time around it doesn’t lead to a hard time finding vital loot like Shield and Shotguns.

Author Bio

James Peskett

James is a freelance Esports writer from the United Kingdom. He has been playing Fortnite since the release of Battle Royale mode and is especially interested in the competitive scene.


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