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The biggest takeaway from the Fortnite v10.20 patch notes was the turbo build nerf. Take a look at how the Fortnite community reacted.

The Fortnite v10.20 patch could have been an exciting one. Fortnite has opened the crossover event with Borderlands and introduced a new area to the map for a limited time.

The vaultings in this patch were good as well, taking a couple of useless items out of the game and removing the Storm Scout Sniper - a menace in competitive.

Unfortunately, all of that was overshadowed by a few short lines in the "Gameplay" section of the patch notes.

"Returned the time between subsequent Turbo Build placements from 0.05 seconds to 0.15."

Just when you think the Fortnite player base couldn't get any more tilted, Epic goes and does something like this.

Reddit Reaction

This is the final straw from r/FortniteCompetitive

The reaction from players on Reddit is about what you'd expect. The r/FortniteBR sub has a few mentions of the Turbo Build nerf but the r/FortniteCompetitive sub is filled with complaints.

People are saying that this is the last straw, that this update is worse than the BRUTE, that the game is dead, that they are quitting, and everything in between.

Of course, the game isn't dead. It will still be one of the most popular games out there for some time, even if Epic doesn't revert the change.

Unfortunately, the hardcore player base was infuriated by this change. Sure, there are a handful of people saying it isn't that bad or that they actually like the change, but these are the minority of cases.

Streamer Reaction

The professional and streamer reactions echo those of the players on Reddit. Pretty much no one likes the change. Even the always-positive Nick Eh 30 is complaining and asking for a revert.

Wow. For those who don't speak Canadian, Nick just dropped four F-bombs and called Epic morons for changing the Turbo Build mechanics.

Chill, dude. It's just a game.

Here are a few other reactions from top Fortnite players and streamers.

Does anyone out there actually like this change? Let us know on Twitter @FortniteTracker.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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