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The Fortnite v10.00 Content Update was extremely unpopular. Take a look at how the feedback of the update stacks up against other patches in the past.

It's no secret that the v10.00 Content Update was poorly received by the Fortnite community. Not only did the update add a no-building zone, but it failed to address the overpowered mechs that continue to ruin the Fortnite experience.

Just how unpopular was this update, though?

Redditor Reisshub analyzed every patch since Epic began posting the patch notes on the r/FortniteBR subreddit.

He looked at upvotes and downvotes and determined which patches received the most negative feedback. What he found was that the v8.20 update - removing siphon - and the v8.30 update - removing stretched resolution - were among the three least popular updates.

Topping the list of the least popular update, though, was the v10.00 Content Update.

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This patch was seen as completely negative for most of the Fortnite community, as you can tell by these metrics. Sure, we got the Automatic Sniper, but that was a weapon that no one asked for or wanted in the first place.

The updated added a no-building zone at Tilted Town. It didn't address the mechs and it didn't include any bug fixes.

To be fair to Epic, they planned this update before releasing Season 10. It didn't require any downtime, which means Epic couldn't address any Season 10 problems with it. Still, the timing of it all came off as disrespectful to the Fortnite player base.

Fortnite is in a horrible state right now, and Epic needs to do something. With games like Apex Legends releasing a solo mode and Call of Duty on the horizon, it's time for Epic to step up and listen to the community.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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