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Epic has released three teasers for Fortnite Season 10, and the season's release date is only a couple of days away. What do these teasers tell us about what's to come?

Epic Games has been releasing teasers for Fortnite Season 10 since the World Cup ended this past weekend. What is going to happen around the map? What will Season X bring to the Fortnite world? Will Greasy Grove finally melt?

Here's what the teasers are pointing to.

Fortnite Season X: A Return to Form

Epic's third Fortnite Season 10 trailer released earlier today, and it ties the previous two together.

The first was an image of the old Dusty Depot - where everything started. This was the first area that kicked off the lore with the massive meteor strike, leading to rifts, Kevin, and everything else we've seen.

Epic told us to "Think Back" with this teaser image, suggesting that some of our favorite locations would likely return for Season 10.

This is huge news for a lot of players, who think back to seasons 2-4 as the golden age of Fortnite. Going back to those days is exciting for a lot of the player base.

The next teaser image told us to "Look Forward, with an image of a large robot standing on top of a pile of rubble.

This teaser image gives us a sense that the future will collide with the past during Season 10. It's not all about going back, so there will be some new elements or mechanics added to Fortnite in the coming days.

The third image appears to highlight that clash. The character to the left of the X is one we've never seen before, but the one to the right looks familiar.

This guy appears to look an awful lot like the Drift Skin from Season 5. The text, "Twist Time," also appears to reference some sort of time jump.

All of this collision clearly has something to do with the damaged vault and the orb floating in the center of Loot Lake. We can only speculate for now but are a couple of days away from getting some real answers.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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