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Epic has hinted at split tournaments before, but up to this point, all platforms have played competitive Fortnite together. An announcement on the Xbox store has revealed the first console-specific Fortnite tournament: The $1 million Xbox Cup.

Throughout the history of competitive Fortnite, Epic has done its best to keep everyone in the same boat. All major tournaments and competitive modes have had mobile, console, and PC all playing together.

This strategy did a lot of good for the competitive community. It allowed console players to show that they can compete with their PC counterparts - but it also ignited a heated debate between the two camps.

Mouse and keyboard players have a massive skill ceiling, while controller players are a bit limited in terms of building and editing. Console players have the benefit of aim assist, though, along with building and editing sensitivity settings.

Spamming L2 is a thing, but the real skill gap in Fortnite is building, not aiming. Players on mouse and keyboard have a distinct advantage here.

When it comes to console vs. PC, there is no debate. A player on PC has a massive advantage to a player on a console in several areas, whether the former is using a mouse and keyboard or a controller.

It's for this reason that a lot of console players have been requesting console-specific tournaments. Epic acknowledged this request during a competitive AMA in June.

According to a post in the Microsoft store, it appears as though the first console-only tournament will be taking place sooner rather than later. The first-ever Xbox Solo tournament has been announced on the store, and it's still there as of this writing.

The major news of this tournament first came via a post on the r/FortniteCompetitive subreddit. User nick_21b posted a picture of Fortnite in the Xbox store, with news of the Fortnite Xbox Cup.

Anyone know what this is? from r/FortniteCompetitive

As of now, both PlayStation and Xbox players load into the same lobby by default. If the name of this tournament is any indication, Epic will be splitting the players so that only Xbox competitors have access.

Although we have only seen news of this tournament through Xbox, it doesn't mean that they'll be the only players with a chance to win. There's a possibility that Epic will host a PC Cup, Playstation Cup, and Mobile Cup the same weekend.

Are you a competitive Xbox player looking to shine on the big stage without paying over $1,000 for a PC? Now's your chance.

Follow us on Twitter @FortnitTracker for more Fortnite news.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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