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Fortnite has completed nine seasons so far. Let's take a look at each in these 1-9 rankings.

Fortnite Season 9 is over halfway in the books right now, so it seems like as good a time as any to rank all of the seasons so far.

Some seasons are better than others, so let's take a trip down Fortnite memory lane with this season 1-9 ranking list.

9. Season 7

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Season 7 is widely considered the worst season in Fortnite history. This was the season that brought us the Infinity Sword, after all.

Combine that with the planes and bugged Ziplines, and it's an easy inclusion at the number nine spot.

Oh, and the in-game event included zombies. That's always a negative.

8. Season 9

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Season 9 is slightly over halfway over at this point, but it's shaping up to be one of the least-favorite for the Fortnite community. Not only has the Drum Gun stayed in the game, but the Boom Bow and recently added Proximity Grenade Launcher make the competitive experience even worse.

Season 9 does have some redeeming qualities, but it also contains many areas from past seasons that Fortnite players hate - especially on the competitive end.

Epic also added even more mobility in this season, which seems like overkill to most players. Hopefully, Epic will redeem this season during the second half.

7. Season 8

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Season 8 introduced many of the elements that Fortnite players don't like about Season 9. Ballers were in their most overpowered state, and the Boom Bow was brought into the game.

We can't forget that this was the season responsible for the Unvaulting Event, which brought the Drum Gun back from the dead in the first place.

This isn't the worst season, but it doesn't deserve to be included in the top half.

6. Season 6

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Season 6 was a perfect example of a middle-of-the-pack season. The map changes were interesting and probably spanned the longest time of any event.

Unfortunately, any season that includes zombies is one that isn't a fan-favorite. These zombies have always been incredibly annoying, and a transparent way to draw players from Battle Royale to Save the World.

5. Season 5

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Season 5 sits directly in the middle. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. The Battle pass was forgettable and didn't contain many long-lasting skins.

The game was a bit past the season 3 and 4 hype at this point. Player counts were still high, but Epic was clearly beginning to limit the skill-gap where they could.

4. Season 1

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Season 1 was the OG season. The only cosmetics in the game were the Renegade Raider and the Aerial Assault Trooper - the former of which is now one of the sweatiest and rares skins in the game.

The game was brand new at this point. No one knew what they were doing and building was an afterthought.

This might not be the worst of the Fortnite seasons in terms of fun, but it was certainly the least interesting when you consider everything that Fortnite has done since.

3. Season 4

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Season 4 was probably the second-most popular season in Fortnite. It probably would've ranked a bit higher on this list but it's, unfortunately, when the Drum Gun came into the game.

Epic could never really balance this weapon and led to the eventual spray meta that never really went away.

Still, this season brought us the famous rocket launch, which was the first of many in-game events and still the favorite of many.

2. Season 2

Fortnite was on its way to its peak during Season 2. The Battle Pass was brand new and added a layer of excitement to the game. Players grinded to get their Black Knight, which was much more of a desired item back then.

Everything was more important during Season 2. Cosmetics were cooler, Victories were sweeter, and the meta wasn't as one-dimensional as it is today.

1. Season 3

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Season 3 was my favorite Fortnite season of all time, and the popularity of the game at this point leads me to believe that a lot of other people agree.

This was the season that had Ninja breaking all kinds of Twitch records, and represented Fortnite at its peak player numbers as well.

The Battle Pass for season 3 is underrated in my opinion. The Elite Agent stood the test of time and you'll still see people rocking the Reaper - even after the official John Wick skin came out. This was the first season to introduce contrails to the game as well.

Let's not forget that season 3 was the one that brought us the "Take the L" emote as well.

Season 3 was Fortnite at peak form. The weapons were relatively balanced and the double-pump was just starting to become a fan favorite.

I, along with many other players, look at season 3 as the golden age of Fortnite. The game has continued to grow and add new elements, but many of us are still chasing that high we felt during season 3.

Do you agree or disagree with our rankings? Let us know on Twitter @FortniteTracker.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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