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Everyone has speculated that the Heavy Shotgun would be returning to Fortnite, but what about the Revolver?

Epic Games almost always gives us hints at what's to come in each season through the loading screen. For Season 9, we can see one character holding a Tactical AR - which was eventually released - and another holding the old Heavy Shotgun.

Most players were keen enough to pick up on this detail and speculated that the gun would be making a return this season.

We're almost halfway through Fortnite Season 9 at this point and still haven't seen the Heavy Shotgun make its reentry to the game.

Creative warriors have noticed some changes, though. The reticle of the gun has been updated. Why would Epic update a reticle if they don't plan on putting the Heavy Shotgun back into play?

Many players have criticized Epic for only having two shotguns in Fortnite with abysmal spawn rates. The Heavy Shotgun could solve both of these problems.

The Revolver

More recently, though, players have noticed a Revolver buff in Creative Mode. The gun received an upgrade to the fire rate and reload time, which signals its eventual return to the game as well.

The Revolver was recently buffed; this means it could be unvaulted! from r/FortNiteBR

The Revolver was never ideal, but it was a decent weapon to get when you first dropped into a match. Epic has flirted with other pistols like the Six Shooter and Scoped Revolver since the Revolver was vaulted, so it makes sense that they would give the classic weapon a second chance.

The recent improvements to the Revolver will make it more useful, but it's unlikely that players will pick it up over other weapons that serve the same medium-to-long-range purpose. Of course, we'll have to wait and see what Epic chooses to do here.

Let us know what you think about the Revolver and Heavy Shotgun coming back on Twitter @FortniteTracker.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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