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I thought I covered all of my wishes for Season 9 in yesterday's piece. Turns out, I want more than I first thought.

Yesterday, I wrote an article about some of the things I want to see in Season 9. Take a look at my (probably fruitless) wishes for Season 9 here. I thought I covered all of my bases until I saw one of the responses on Twitter.

Yes. 1,000 times yes. Greasy Grove was one of my favorite spots to land, and it was unceremoniously removed from the game and covered with ice for Season 7.

The good news is that Greasy Grove is still intact underneath the ice. There are even some chest spawns that the ice is blocking.

It might just be me, but it looks like the ice on top of Greasy is getting a bit soupy as well. When you combine that with the volcanic rock that hit the bottom of Polar Peak - right next door - and the onset of summer I think there's a strong chance we get Greasy back in the next season.

We know the future is Tilted; but is the future Greasy?

Other Wishes I Missed

First and foremost, the thing I remembered as soon as I hit "publish": preset cosmetic loadouts. These would be fantastic and would make people use a lot more of their current skins.

A Battle Pass gifting system would also be cool, but leaks surrounding Season 9 have all but confirmed that's going to be in the game.

Having siphon back in the game would also be cool, but it's hardly worth mentioning because Epic seems to be sticking to their guns on this front.

I think the snow biome is fine, but I can't wait until the lighting goes back to normal. I think it will, but this isn't the first Fortnite event to mess with the visibility in the game. I, too, would like them to stop messing with the lighting.

Oh, I almost forgot:

Is there anything else I missed? Let us know on Twitter: @FortniteTracker or @JimmyDangus.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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