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Saturday, May 4th brought us one of the most ambitious in-game events in Fortnite. Here's a recap of what happened.

This Saturday brought us the culmination of Season 8 of Fortnite. The looming volcano finally erupted and the vault opened, giving players a chance to vote on a weapon or item that will make its way back into the game.

Here's a cinematic replay of the entire event for those who missed it. We'll get into a breakdown of the fallout from the event ahead.

When the timer hit 0, the vault opened and transported players to the voting screen. As you can see from the cinematic above, the Drum Gun got a lot of attention from the voters.

I expected the Bouncer to win the vote, but I think this is a situation of choosing pizza over broccoli. Sure, we know the broccoli is good for us, but pizza is just so much fun to use.

Once the vote was finished, players got shot back into the air to watch the volcano destroy two of the busiest areas in Fortnite: Tilted Towers and Retail Row.

The destruction of Tilted Towers has been rumored since the very first Fortnite event. They even sent the rocket directly towards Tilted, only to get shot into the sky before hitting the area.

Funnily enough, the only building in Tilted that was left untouched was the "new" building, which has been under construction nearly every season. The constant construction of this building has been a running joke in Fortnite, so it's nice to see that it was spared by the volcano.

With two of the most popular points of interest gone, it's interesting to see where players are landing now. Salty Springs remains a hotspot, and it looks like Paradise Palms is getting a bit more attention in the post-event fallout.

For a season that seemed to be lining up to be a dull one, the past few weeks have been quite eventful. We'll have to wait and see what Season 9 brings us.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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