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The moment a lot of us have been waiting for might be coming: the drum gun may be returning to Fortnite.

Although Epic has been plugging the holes in its patches to prevent leaks, we were able to get some future skins out of the latest V7.20 update. We also got some news of a new snowman consumable and sword making their way into Fortnite.

More recently, we've seen some reports of dataminers finding the Drum Gun in the game files. Now, before you get too excited and/or freaked out by the return, there's a strong possibility that these reports are bogus.

So far, I've only seen a handful of tweets and videos about the return of the Drum Gun, and none of them have been coming from the usual suspects. The dataminers that have uncovered the skins and new items have been silent on the Drum Gun coming back, which isn't a good sign for fans of the weapon.

Still, as someone who loved the Drum Gun, I'm holding out hope that this news is true. The gun was unquestionably overpowered, but it was one of my favorite guns the game has ever introduced.

It's possible that Epic increased the spread of the gun or decreased its damage to help limit its effectiveness. If so, it's entirely possible that they bring it back. After all, we did just see Epic take the dual pistols out of the vault.

As I said, though, you should take this information with a grain of salt. We'll make sure to stay on top of any mention of the Drum Gun and update this post if we find more verified sources. Until then, we can only cross our fingers and hope for a return.

Follow @FortniteTracker for more Drum Gun news as it becomes available.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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