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Fortnite has released the much-anticipated V7.20 patch. Take a look at the highlights and noteworthy changes here.

V7.20 has been one of the more exciting updates to Fortnite in recent memory. We got a lot of news about some positive improvements, so let's take a look at what we can look forward to.

Weapon/Item Additions

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V7.20 has introduced two new items into the game: the Scoped Revolver and the Glider Redeploy Item.

The Scoped Revolver comes in both Epic and Legendary variations and hit for 42/44 to the body and 84/88 to the head. The weapon is also hitscan, which means there isn't any bullet-drop or travel time when you shoot.

So far, it seems as though the Scoped revolver is performing well. We'll have to wait and see if it's overpowered or worth taking over a sniper rifle. As of now, though, it seems like it's adding some welcome variation to the meta.

As for Glider redeploy, this was something that split the community. A lot of people called for redeploy to be taken out of the game when it was standard across all modes, but a similar number of people missed it once it was gone.

The item provides a nice middle-ground for those who like and dislike the item. It takes up an inventory slot now and comes with ten charges. You don't have to have the item selected if you want to redeploy your Glider.

Weapon/Item Changes

The minigun got a nerf that will stop people from continuously spamming your structures. They added an overheating mechanic that will trigger after 6 seconds of continuous fire. To make up for this, Epic also reduced the wind-up time of the gun by 37%.

Balloons, Stink Bomb, and Scoped ARs all changed in rarety. Balloons and Stinks went from Epic to Rare and the Scoped AR changed from Rare/Epic to Uncommon/Rare. The reticle dot of the Scoped Rifles was also made smaller to make the accuracy more predictable.

The bullet trajectory of the sniper class was also changed to mirror the Heavy Sniper, meaning all snipers will have less of a bullet-drop.

You can now stack only six mini shields - down from ten.

Traps also saw an adjustment in how they drop. The total drop chance of floor loot increased from 3.98% to 4.73%.

The following traps got specific modifications. We took this part directly from the patch notes:

  • Cozy Campfire
    • Drop chance from floor loot increased from 0.26% to 0.73%.
    • Drop chance from Loot Llamas increased from 6.63% to 15.47%.
  • Launch Pad
    • Drop chance from floor loot increased from 0.53% to 0.98%.
    • Drop chance from Loot Llamas increased from 13.25% to 20.77%.
  • Mounted Turret
    • Drop chance from floor loot decreased from 0.8% to 0.73%.
    • Drop chance from Loot Llamas decreased from 20.42% to 15.47%.

Gameplay Changes

The Zipline got some attention this patch. You'll now start to move more slowly as you enter the zipline and pick up speed over time. you can also change direction by pressing a directional button as well, meaning you don't have to jump anymore.

Epic also added the Zipline destruction mechanic back into the game. Hopefully, this doesn't reactivate the annoying bug that has you breaking your own builds once you get off the zipline.

The most anticipated change is undoubtedly the improvement to building underground. Now, players will get a free wall on top of a wall that's built mostly under the map (30% or less above ground).

Editing ghost shots will also be reduced because editing won't wait for a server response. Your ping will still affect the edit confirmation, but not entering edit mode. Editing won't interrupt gunfire or pickaxe swings now, either.

Here are some other noteworthy gameplay changes:

  • Building sensitivity applies to editing
  • Third decimal place added to sensitivity calibration
  • Vehicle damage now impacts shields
  • Plane explosions now damage players at all times (running through structures)
  • Player icons are now more accurate
  • Corn stalks do not block gunfire

Bug Fixes

There were a lot of bug fixes in this patch, relating to both items and gameplay.

Some of the more common bugs that were addressed include the ability to push players with a grappler. We all saw these awesome clips - some of us even tried it ourselves - but it appears it's been taken out of the game because it affected server performance.

Balloons will no longer be popped by explosions and "No Scope" won't be shown in the kill feed when players use a scope to kill someone.

Ziplines got a lot of bug fixes as well. Hopefully, these will finally fix the problem that had players getting shot into the stratosphere while walking under a Zipline.

Epic also (hopefully) fixed the Glider redeploy issue when jumping out of planes. This had people plummeting to their deaths left and right.

Finally, we won't be seeing players jumping from the bus while emoting anymore.

Other Noteworthy Changes/Additions

Tournaments will be getting some regular adjustments to help fortify the final Fortnite competitive product. The LTM "One Shot" was also listed in the patch notes, but we saw this come into the game yesterday.

The Boombox and Stormwing are now quieter and the Dynamite has a unique bouncing sound.

There's no mention of this in the patch notes, but there's something hovering above Polar Peak. Could this mean a return of the dreaded Infinity Blade?

On the whole, this seems like an exciting patch. The new weapon seems like it will be fun to use and the Glider redeploy item will be welcomed by many. I can't wait to get started playing.

OH! We almost forgot! Infinite Dab now plays for 11 hours in the lobby.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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