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Team 33 has gone radio silent on socials prompting players and staff to part ways with the organisation.

Appearing almost out of nowhere 18 months ago, North American outfit Team 33 quickly became a leading org in competitive Fortnite. They snapped up a huge army of pros and content creators across multiple regions and also launched their own YouTube channel.

Fast forward to summer 2022 and Team 33 had 4 FNCS Championships in the trophy cabinet. Some of Fortnite’s biggest stars were on the line-up, including Acorn, Cold, and Paper.

However, all of a sudden, things aren’t looking so rosy…

The fall of Team 33

Towards the end of September, fans began to notice that the @OfficialTeam33 Twitter account hadn’t been active in a while. There was also a lack of new videos on the YouTube channel.

Then, players started to leave. At first slowly, then in their droves. Eventually, almost all the pros, plus staff members and creators like Boop and Manu had all announced their departures from the team.

So from the outside, it appears that Team 33 is gone. But they are still yet to make any kind of official statement.

What happened?

Though we don’t have confirmation, it sounds like the ghosting went beyond social media. Many of the ex-Team 33 members were unable to contact management, and hinted that they had not been paid.

CEO and Founder of Team New Age “Kirsh” said, “Heard they been late on payments for 2 months and haven’t heard from Mr Tyler in weeks”.

The Mr Tyler he is referencing is Team 33 CEO Tyler Gallagher. Gallagher and his companies have allegedly been tied to similar suspicious activities in the past.

We will update this article as new information emerges.

However this situation resolves itself, it has created a number of high-caliber free agents searching for a new place to call home.

Author Bio

James Peskett

James is a freelance Esports writer from the United Kingdom. He has been playing Fortnite since the release of Battle Royale mode and is especially interested in the competitive scene.


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