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Fortnite recently brought back some of the old-school gameplay with the "Classic" LTM. Here are some of the weapons and items we'd like to see them bring back to the main game.

The Classic LTM brought back a lot of nostalgia to those who have been playing Fortnite for a while. It was nice to get our hands on some of the weapons and items Fortnite has taken away from us over the seasons.

This LTM got me thinking about some of the vaulted items, and whether or not Epic would ever bring them back. We've seen it happen before, and we'll likely see it happen again. So, I compiled a list of the seven weapons and items we want to use again.

Keep in mind that not all of these suggestions are practical. It's unlikely that Epic will bring back the Tactical SMG, for instance, no matter how popular it was. Still, a person can dream, and that's just what we're doing here.

Tactical Submachine Gun

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Remember when SMGs were some of the most overpowered weapons in the game? That was ahead of the release of the P-90 and the vanilla SMG.

Epic vaulted the tactical SMG when they reworked the class and added new items, but the "Classic" LTM definitely brought back some nostalgia for it. The thing was a laser beam in its prime and just felt good to use.

I'll readily admit that the Tac SMG would be redundant in the current Fortnite mode, but that doesn't mean I don't want to use it again. This one falls into the reminiscing category rather than a gun that Epic should seriously bring back from the dead.


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Unlike the Tactical SMG we included above, the Bouncer is something that Epic needs to un-vault.

They got rid of this item when they released the glider re-deploy feature, and that made sense. Why do you need a Bouncer to prevent fall damage and improve mobility when you can build a ramp to the sky without any consequences?

Well, as we all know, glider re-deploy is no more. Still, the Bouncer remains vaulted. This was a weird one because no one was really complaining about the item. It was useful but not overpowered, and relatively common at that.

I would love to see them bring the Bouncer back, and I think most of the community would as well. This was one of the most useful and versatile items in the game, and the current plane system creates more of a use for it than ever.

Shockwave Grenade/Impulse Grenade

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I decided to include the Shockwave and Impulse in the same category because they are very similar items. Having both of them in the game at the same time doesn't make a ton of sense, but Epic could certainly bring one of them back from the dead.

Impulse Grenades made for some high-risk, high-reward plays that littered nearly every "Fortnite Best Moments" YouTube video when they were in the game. They also made for some awesome trolling weapons, allowing you to shoot your teammates off of mountains and laugh. I'm sure this wasn't the kind of thing Epic had in mind, but it still added some fun to the game.

The Shockwave Grenade was objectively more useful. You wouldn't take fall damage with it, could shoot yourself through builds, and take the high ground easily.

While some people didn't like the ability to break through structures, it's clearly not something Epic has a problem with. After all, the Quadcrasher and the X4 Stormwing destroy builds when you run through them.

Either way, these items allow for more mobility in the game, which Fortnite has been seemingly promoting for a while now. Epic might think that these items will add too much mobility in combination with zip lines and planes, but I think bringing one of them back would fit in nicely.

Double Barrel Shotgun

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The Double Barrel was one of those weapons that went through stages of being overpowered and underpowered. This is likely why they vaulted the gun, but I think there's still a place for it in the current game.

I never loved the Double Barrel. To me, it seemed like too much of a risk. If you didn't hit both shots at close range, you didn't have a shotgun until you were able to reload.

Still, the gun is unique and far different from the other shotguns in the game. The Heavy Shotgun is still here, and that one has much more in common with the Pump. I think they should vault the heavy shotgun and bring back the Double Barrel.

Drum Gun

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This one was a personal favorite of mine. I loved the Drum Gun meta - even if it was the most overpowered gun the game has ever seen.

Do I think that Epic should seriously consider bringing the Drum Gun back? Probably not. It was way too powerful and extremely difficult to counter. Still, this is a list of guns we want to use again - they don't have to all be practical suggestions.

Smoke Grenade

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The Smoke Grenade has been in the vault for what feels like forever. Some of you reading this probably never played the game when the Smoke Grenade was here.

I never liked this item when it was in the game, and understood why they vaulted it. Now, though, it seems like a useful item for early to mid-game when you run out of materials.

A smoke grenade will provide enough cover for you to escape some situations. Unlike items like... I don't know... THE BUSH, this item has some practical use in the current state of Fortnite.

Dual Pistols

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The Dual Pistols fall into the same category as the Drum Gun. Should Epic bring these back? Probably not. They were both overpowered and underpowered at different stages in the game, and it was tough to find a middle ground with them.

Still, I loved these guns and want to play with them again. They're one of the only vaulted weapons I'll grab in Playgrounds with my friends, and are the only real shotgun alternative the game has had.

Honorable Mentions

I wanted to include some honorable mentions to cover my bases. Remote Explosives were fun when you had them, but terrible when you went against them. I might want to see these back in the game, but probably not.

I would have included clingers on this list if it weren't for the number of existing explosives. Explosives can be terrible, and adding another one to the mix seems like a bad idea.

The Suppressed SMG was another weapon I considered, but it was too hard to get right. The gun was underpowered for a while but then worked as an AR alternative when the SMG meta was at its best. Now, though, I don't think these would fit too well in the game.

Revolvers have no place in the game with the current Six Shooters and Hand Cannons, but they were always a decent gun to get early-game. While these were fine to land on, they would be redundant if Epic brought them back.

So, there you have it. These are the weapons and items we want to see Fortnite bring back into the game. Granted, they aren't all practical suggestions, but they were a lot of fun before they got vaulted.

What was your favorite item or weapon that is no longer in Fortnite? Let us know on Twitter @FortniteTracker, and stay tuned for more news, updates, and other content.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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