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The developers will be testing the new Arena Box Fight playlist for a limited time only.

Early on in Chapter 2, during a particularly long dry spell without any tournaments or Cash Cups, Box Fights took the competitive Fortnite scene by storm. This simple Creative game mode allows for constant action, and is an effective way to practice your edits, aiming and piece control.

Epic Games have now confirmed that they will be trialling “Arena Box Fights” as a separate playlist. This means that you will be able to search for a Box Fight from the in-game lobby and be matched against an opponent of similar skill.

During the test period, any Hype earned from Box Fights will not count towards your normal Arena Hype score. However, this could change in the future if the mode becomes a permanent addition.

The Arena Box Fight test begins on March 23 and will initially be available for just two weeks. At time of writing, we have no further information regarding the structure they will use, how many rounds needed to win etc.

If you’re not a fan of Box Fights or feel like Epic is a year late to hop on the craze, you can still be excited. This test event may potentially pave the way for all kinds of Creative mode crossovers, perhaps with more popular modes such as Realistic 1 vs 1s or even 50-person Zone Wars.

While we’re on the topic of Arena, the Season 6 Competitive Preseason will soon be coming to a close. If you’ve been itching to start the grind back to Champion Division, Arena Hype will reset on Tuesday, March 23, at 9:00 AM EDT, as stated by the official @FNCompetitive Twitter account.

Author Bio

James Peskett

James is a freelance Esports writer from the United Kingdom. He has been playing Fortnite since the release of Battle Royale mode and is especially interested in the competitive scene.


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