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Solo Victory Cup

Event Info

Unlock this tournament by playing Ranked Battle Royale. You must be in Gold or higher in Battle Royale to unlock this tournament. This tournament occurs across two rounds, with the top players from Round 1 advancing to Round 2. EU - Top 11,500; NA: Top 9,000, BR, ASIA, ME - Top 1,250; OCE - Top 750. Players will win cash prizes for achieving a Victory Royale in Round 2. There will be no other placement prizes. Players must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in their country of residence), have MFA enabled and an account level of 15 or greater. For more details see: www.epicgames.com/fortnite/competitive/news.

Tiebreaker will be solved by the sum of Victory Royales, then by the average Eliminations, then by the average Tiebreaker Placement, then by the average Time Alive.

Victory Royale + 5
Reach Top 2 + 3
Reach Top 3 + 2
Reach Top 4 + 1
Reach Top 5 + 2
Reach Top 6 + 1
Reach Top 7 + 1
Reach Top 8 + 1
Reach Top 9 + 1
Reach Top 10 + 2
Reach Top 15 + 2
Reach Top 20 + 2
Reach Top 25 + 2
Reach Top 30 + 1
Reach Top 35 + 1
Reach Top 40 + 1
Reach Top 50 + 1
Reach Top 75 + 1
Each Elimination + 1

Prize Pools are specific to the session and view selected. Please change your selection or view to see the other available pools. Points shown are the current points earned for the given rank.

Top #9,000 67 Pts.

Fortnite Tracker Power Ranking

PR Issues: Please report your issue here. PR Issue Form. All other PR Inqueries will be ignored.

0.5x multiplier

The admins have set this. We can change these from time to time based on feedback. This event will start to decay

Top 1500
Top 2450
Top 3425
Top 4413
Top 5400
Top 6388
Top 7375
Top 8363
Top 9350
Top 10313
Top 20275
Top 30238
Top 40200
Top 50175
Top 60163
Top 70150
Top 80138
Top 90125
Top 100113
Top 150100
Top 20088
Top 25075
Top 30063
Top 40050
Top 50025
Top 100010
Top 25008
Top 50005
Top 75003

Points to Qualify

Solo Victory Cup Round 2
Top #9000 67Pts.
* Points shown are the current points earned for the given rank.
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