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The official Fortnite Twitter account is pumping out teasers like they are going out of fashion, and the community are following quickly behind with their Season 2 predictions.

At time of writing, the most recent teaser image shows a stick of Dynamite, with a selection of words from different languages behind it. The obvious guess here would be that Dynamite is being unvaulted, however if we know anything about Epic Games, it’s that they don’t like to make things that simple. As with the previous graphics, altering the colours reveals something in the background.

This post from @VastBlastt appears to show what people now believe could be an Oil Rig. It seems that this may be a new landmark added to the map, just off the coast between Dirty Docks and Retail Row. Reddit user u/Koooooomar discovered that the lines from the teaser fit perfectly with this area of the map.

The new POI "bunker" is between "???" and Dirty Docks. from r/FortNiteBR

Theories are also being circulated regarding a range of potential new vehicles. Some people have discussed the possibility of larger ships, others think trains are being hinted at, but the most hyped idea is helicopters.

enter image description here

It is clear to see a helipad in the background of this teaser image. After the controversial addition of the planes back in Season 7, we know that Epic have the capability to make something like this work in Fortnite. This would certainly be exciting and a drastic shift from this current season, but hopefully they would refrain from making them too strong.

Author Bio

James Peskett

James is a freelance Esports writer from the United Kingdom. He has been playing Fortnite since the release of Battle Royale mode and is especially interested in the competitive scene.


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