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New information around the next season is coming out… all we can say for sure is it’s going to be INSANE

Season 2 is just around the corner - 3 days away to be exact. With all the hype revolving around the new season, it’s time to take a look at all the confirmed teasers and leaks that you should expect to see in the next season

”The Agency”

Billboard ads have been popping up around the world with the following picture, alongside a phone number that players are supposed to dial up


When you call the number, an ominous feedback is heard from a woman. She is presumably an operator and you are the agent phoning in

The ominous ending is supposed to leave us worried… and very curious. As should any teaser. They don’t call them “teasers” for nothing


Another weird quirk is found in Fortnite’s official discord servers. Fortnite has multiple server for the different regions and languages, but one thing is similar between all of them: **”The Agency” discord bot has just joined. In coordination with all of their media, a discord bot now responds to user requests and randomly chooses to “activate” some of them

Again, this ties into the previous theme of agents calling in and having a unified objective. This teaser is meant to push that narrative along

Golden Umbrella

A new umbrella was leaked in the game files for Season 2. First broke by HYPEX, it is presumed that the umbrella will serve as the seasonal reward you get for winning a match (in that season, of course)

Personally, that umbrella looks SICK! I will definitely rock it once I get my first vic-roy in the next season.

Golden Items

Right now, you might have also noticed that certain items in the game have changed to a golden texture. Chairs, televisions, and toilets alike have been “goldenized”

Given that everything we’ve discussed earlier have followed the same color scheme - between teasers and leaked items, it’s obvious that this change is meant to garner hype for the next season. Additionally, we covered earlier that a golden material may be in the works to accompany wood, brick, and metal. Could these be correlated - or just one big coincidence?

Will Season 2 live up to the hype? I guess we will find out. The only thing I can say for certain is that Epic has once again piqued my interest

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Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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