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Epic is going to make several changes to controller sensitivity, Aim Assist, and L2 spam in Fortnite v10.40

Epic posted a blog on September 24 that details several changes coming to Fortnite - all having to do with controller sensitivity and Aim Assist.

Aim Assist and the dreaded L2 spam have been major topics in competitive Fortnite - despite the fact that very few controller players ever make it into major tournaments.

Based on the details we have, it's difficult to tell whether the changes to Aim Assist will be a buff or a nerf.

Enhanced Sensitivity Options

Epic will be adding a variety of controller sensitivity options with the next update. A few of these already exist in different forms such as Build Mode Multiplier, but they're also adding several ADS options and things like "Look Dampening Time."

As a controller player, it's always nice to see Epic trying to give us the best chance to compete.

These days, though, I'm happy with my sensitivity and where everything's at. Now, I'm going to have to watch some YouTube videos to see how to best optimize my setup again.

This seems like a hassle ahead of the update, but I hope it's positive. Here are all of the sensitivity options Epic is adding to Fortnite in v10.40:

  • Look Sensitivity
  • Aim Sensitivity (ADS)
  • Build Mode Sensitivity Multiplier (maximum increased)
  • Edit Mode Sensitivity Multiplier (maximum increased)
  • Look Horizontal Speed
  • Look Vertical Speed
  • Turning Horizontal Boost
  • Turning Vertical Boost
  • Turning Boost Ramp Time
  • Instant Boost When Building
  • ADS Look Horizontal Speed
  • ADS Look Vertical Speed
  • ADS Turning Horizontal Boost
  • ADS Turning Vertical Boost
  • ADS Turning Boost Ramp Time
  • Look Dampening Time
  • Look Input Curve
  • Aim Assist Strength

Aim Assist: Buff or Nerf?

Epic is removing L2 spam with this patch but will be making changes to Aim Assist that makes them feel as though it's no longer necessary.

Here's what Epic had to say. I can't really make heads or tails of it without seeing the in-game effects.

"We’ve implemented a new aim assist system that calculates targets in screen space, which allows a more consistent feel regardless of that target’s range. This new system applies different aim assist strengths based on that target’s distance from the reticle. Aim Assist now tracks multiple targets and will apply assistance based on a weighting algorithm. This will help in situations where new targets can steal aim assist away from an existing target already being focused on. We have also removed the ability to use target snapping (aka “Left trigger spam”). With these new Aim Assist improvements, we no longer feel it’s necessary. Lastly, crosshairs now turn red while pointed at an enemy target that is within effective range, which is anytime before damage drop-off is applied."

The above clip of SypherPK and NickMercs debating whether this is a buff or a nerf is what's going on in my head right now. It seems like a buff on-paper. Epic even tweeted that they "improved" Aim Assist with this update.

Is it really improved, though? Can we still track targets effectively without the L2 spam? The framing of how they presented this makes me suspicious. They're actively trying to make it seem like an improvement, but is it really?

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

You can take a look at the full explanation of all of the changes here.

Let us know what you think about the update on Twitter @FortniteTracker.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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