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Gotham City is coming soon to Fortnite, and new reports suggest that Glider Re-Deploy will be enabled.

We've seen several reports pointing to the Fortnite X Batman crossover coming soon. We've seen cosmetic leaks, a look at the buildings in-game, and challenges that will accompany this event.

Gotham City is going to be a Rift Zone and will replace the current Tilted Town.

We aren't able to build in Tilted Town, which is actually more fun than it sounded when the change first went live. When you look at the buildings in-game, though, a no-building zone in Gotham City doesn't seem likely.

Rift Zones have to have a unique mechanic. We can't just have a base Fortnite experience, now can we? It wouldn't be Season X without something "fresh."

According to Fortnite data miner @s1l0x, Gotham City will have Glider Re-Deploy enabled.

This makes sense for a lot of reasons.: the reasons we've covered - that Rift Zones have unique mechanics and the buildings don't seem like they'll be no-building friendly - and the new loading screen.

The Gothic loading screen (below) shows players gliding above Gotham City. Glider Re-Deploy is the logical conclusion with all of this information.

enter image description here

@s1l0x has also reported that we should be getting three Batman-related skins with this update. We'll get one female skin and two male skins.

I'm guessing the males will be Batman and the Joker, and the female skin will be Catwoman.

Are you excited for Tilted Town to leave and Gotham City to enter? Let us know on Twitter @FortniteTracker.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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