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ZexRow died to Prop Hunt mechanics during the Fortnite Champion Series, but Twitter seems to think he made a mistake.

Rift Zones are catching competitive Fortnite players left and right - whether they're getting stunned out of the air for Taco Time or unable to crouch in Moisty Palms.

ZexRow is just the latest in a long line of players to die because of these new "fun" mechanics, and Twitter had fun with him for it.

Rift Zone Mishap

Rift Zone: 1

ZexRow: 0

Last week, Epic stated that their final circles will no longer fall in Rift Zones - starting with an upcoming content update.

Well, the update is coming too late for ZexRow and several other players who died to zombies, zero-gravity, Taco Time and non-consenional Prop Hunt gameplay.

In this clip, ZexRow was trying to duck under a structure during one of the final circles. He turned into a prop, panicked, and started frantically Impulsing until he was lost to the storm.

ZexRow and his teammates yung calculator and MackWood placed second in the qualifiers - two points away from first. Had ZexRow been able to get out of this situation, the trio likely would have won and walked away with $20,000 more.

Twitter had fun with this one. The likes Chap, Clix, and DrLupo poked fun at ZexRow for failing to jump when he got stuck, or to try to break the floor in front of him.

ZexRow responded to the burns by saying, "I couldn't jump I literally got stuck in the corner and if I break it I'm dead from above me? I just needed to not mess up my impulses but I panicked cuz that has never happened to me."

To be fair, Zexrow was clearly under a ton of pressure at this point, and still got shafted by an annoying mechanic that shouldn't be in competitive Fortnite, to begin with.

He probably should have jumped, though.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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