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Sunny Steps isn't the most popular POI in Fortnite, but it has far more loot than you may know. Take a look at these secret loot locations in the area.

Sunny Steps is a relatively remote landing spot in Fortnite. Despite its location, it has above-average loot and a free rotation from the airstream at Pressure Plant.

I land at Sunny Steps every once in a while - which I feel as though is normal for a lot of players. It's not my go-to spot, but I'll visit it when it's an early drop from the Battle Bus.

Apparently, there is a whole area of Sunny that I've been missing since it was introduced in Season 8. There are four secret rooms in the large pyramid - all containing floor loot spawns where you can find shields, items, and weapons.

Reddit user GucciMyFeet posted a clip of the location for all to explore.

We're on tip #3! Today's tip I would like to show a little secret spot in Sunny Steps which consists of 8 total floor loot spawns and usually unlooted! Some people may already know about this but for the ones who don't here you go, make sure to share with some friends to help them out :D! Enjoy from r/FortNiteBR

A lot of you may already know this existed, but more probably don't. I apologize for blowing up your secret landing spot if you already knew about it.

If you're looking for a sneaky place to get some loot before cleaning Sunny, it's worth exploring these areas.

Chances are, no one else who lands with you will know these rooms exist and you'll be able to scoop some free loot before a fight. I tested this location before writing the article and found a big pot and a green Tac in there. That's some good value!

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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