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The Scientist is here and, as we've been told, his intentions are unknown. Take a look at some fan theories for Fortnite Season 10 and what may come to pass over the next few weeks.

Fortnite Season X is winding to a close, but the plotline of the season seems to be just getting started. This weekend saw the Scientist get introduced to the game to fill the role of the Visitor, who we thought was pulling the strings over the course of Season 10.

The unveiling of the Scientist and the mysterious "Seven" raised more questions than answers. Fortnite fans have some theories about what's happening, though, and anything is worth exploring at this point.

The Slow Burn

Right now, we're seeing the construction of a second rocket in Dusty Depot. Most fans assumed that this was the Visitor at work, but it would seem that the true culprit is the Scientist.

The Scientist appears to be - and likely is - an alternate-reality version of the Visitor. The comet that's suspended above Dusty Depot, then, might not be the same one that hit the location several seasons ago.

Likewise, some of the more attentive Fortnite players have noticed something: the Rocket was a Rift Beacon all along.

Big Brain Time from r/FortNiteBR

So, it appears as though this plotline has been in the works since the Visitor first appeared and the rocket first launched. The original rocket from Season 4 may even be responsible for all of the map changes from that point forward.

The Seven

The Seven... runes? from r/FortNiteBR

Another piece of the Fortnite mystery came in the description of the Scientist. He is one of the Seven - but what does this mean?

Curiously, the Visitor's description changed as well when the Scientist came into the game. It was revealed that he, too, was one of the Seven.

Who are the Seven? Most fans are theorizing that each of the Seven are different versions of the Visitor from alternate dimensions. One Redditor even suggested that they could be from different Rift Zones.

Is the Scientist opening gateways to alternate realities for his brothers?

this was an idea from someone else, but what if the seven visitors are from seven different rift zones? what R.Z would Volta be from? from r/FortNiteBR

This theory about the Rift Zones makes sense to me because of the map changes we've seen across Season 10.

Moisty Mire, Greasy Grove, Tilted Towers, and Retail Row all came back to the game with varying degrees of differences from their original designs.

Could the Visitor and/or the Scientist be pulling alternate versions of these POIs to the main Fortnite map?

One of the commentors on Reddit pointed to the significance of the number 7 across Fortnite's history. "The cube actually has 8 different runes. But he only printed 7, weird. In fact, most of the seasonal map changes are 7.

7 runes, 7 headstones, 7 pirate camps, 7 AIM Outposts, 7 sky platforms... It is interesting for sure."

The theories are flowing, but right now we have far more questions than answers. Unfortunately, it seems like the eventual Season X event probably won't make things any clearer for us, and may leave us scratching our heads yet again.

Let us know what you think will happen on Twitter @FortniteTracker.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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