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Kevin has played a massive role in the Fortnite lore. The influence of this purple cube has spanned seasons. Will this be the catalyst for the Season X event as well?

Nearing the halfway point of Fortnite Season X, we have no idea what's going to happen to end the season.

We know that the Visitor is messing around in Dusty Depot, creating Rift Beacons for the different zones around the map. We know that the current map will undergo a few more changes before Season X ends, and we know that a season-ending event is on the way.

One of the more recent Rift Beacons brought Kevin the Cube back to the game along with his floating island. According to eagle-eyed viewers of Replay Mode, Kevin may be repeating his old cycle that culminated in the Butterfly Event to end Season 6.

The Cube Will Crack Again

For those who don't remember, the floating island traversed the map during Season 6, picking up runes and drawing energy from them.

When Kevin absorbed all of the energy, the cube became drained as it sat over Loot Lake. The event that followed was one of the best in-game events at the time - transporting players into another dimension where they encountered the Rift Butterfly.

These replay files point to a similar thing happening to Kevin the Cube right now.

This doesn't tell us much as to what's going to happen at the end of the season, but I have a guess.

I'm guessing that we're going to get a version of every season-ending event to end this season. We'll see the Rocket Launch Event, Butterfly Event, Volcano Event, and the Final Showdown Event.

These do not include the in-between events like the Ice Storm and Unvaulting events since the Rift Beacons play the role of the mid-season event for Season X.

All of these events will be slightly different than the first time around since the Visitor is messing with the timeline. The Mech from the Final Showdown might have something to do with the BRUTEs, for instance.

Imagine that: different events happening at the same time around the Fortnite map. We could even see different things depending on where we are.

This is just a theory, but it's something worth considering if the cracks in Kevin is any indication of what's to come.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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