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Want to passively generate shield throughout the match? All you need is a Zapper Trap in Retail Row for this Fortnite exploit.

Getting shields in Fortnite is one of the most inconsistent parts of the game. One match, you'll have more healing items than you can carry and the next you'll be struggling to find bandages the whole game.

A new exploit found by streamer Scifearious allows you to gain shields throughout the match by using Zapper Traps in Retail Row.

All you need to do is place a couple of Zapper Traps near the obelisks in Retail and allow them to kill zombies as you play.

I found a way to get Unlimited Shield while you play (Exploit?) from r/FortNiteBR

You can see from the clip that the zombies will continue to spawn, die, and generate shield for the player.

Zombies won't attack structures unless there's a player nearby, so the trap will continuously tick for the rest of the match.

It's unclear what Epic can do to address this issue outside of vaulting the Zapper Trap. They may be able to change the aggression of the Zombies to attack traps, but this could lead to a pretty big Launchpad headache.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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