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A new skin set called the Darkfire Bundle has been leaked. Take a look at the cosmetics it will include, the price, the release date, and everything else you need to know.

For all of its faults, Fortnite knows how to do skins. This is one of the few games that doesn't rely on RNG loot boxes to get players to buy cosmetic items.

Data miners have found reports of a new skin set coming to Fortnite: The Darkfire Bundle. Their information was confirmed by an early Nintendo Switch promotion.

Here's everything we know about the Darkfire Bundle.

Darkfire Bundle

The Darkfire Bundle is set to release on November 5, which is the Tuesday after Halloween. The skins reportedly included in the bundle are:

  • Dark Power Chord
  • Shadow Ark
  • Molten Omen

We should also be getting a pickaxe that corresponds to each of the skins, three wraps, and a new emote.

Hypex tweeted a recreation for the Dark Ark skin, which has her wearing a Kevin-style outfit similar to the Dark Bomber skin. This could be exactly what the skin ends up looking like.

At $30, this is going to be one of the more expensive skin sets in the game. Most of the similar sets have only cost $20, and have included similar features.

This skin set is arguably better than some of the others in the past with the inclusion of an emote and three wraps, but you're going to have to pay up for it.

The Ark skin is one of my most-used outfits in Fortnite, but I'm not sure if it's enough to justify another $30 for me. The wings that come with the skin are so large that they're unusable - which is a shame because they look amazing.

I'll probably skip this pack, but it includes some awesome outfits for those who are interested.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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