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Patch 10.20 is only a few hours old and players have already found an exploit that allows you to use the new Bubble Shield while you're on the move.

The Bubble Shield is the newest item in Fortnite, allowing players to place a bubble over themselves to protect from incoming shots.

Although the shield looks a little overpowered at first glance, it has a place in the current game - especially in public matches. The shield protects from BRUTE rockets and Junk Rifts, but it's relatively easy to get inside of and battle opponents with a shotgun.

Hours after the patch released, though, players noticed an exploit with the new item that lets them attach it to vehicles, giving them a mobile shield.

This exploit works with Drift Boards - which is one thing - but it also works with the mech. You can attach one of these to a mech to make it invincible until you get within the bubble radius.

Once you're that close to a BRUTE, though, you're already dead.

This exploit will probably be patched out of the game in the coming weeks, but right now it's secondary. Most players are much more concerned with the Turbo Building nerf than anything else.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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