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Epic added Tilted Town with the last content update - a no-building area that neutralizes a core mechanic of Fortnite. Take a look at what happens when the final zone lands on Tilted in Arena Mode.

The v10.00 content update was one of the least popular updates in Fortnite history. Not only did Epic fail to nerf or vault the BRUTE, but they added a no-building zone to the game.

Players who don't take Fortnite seriously were undoubtedly happy to hear that there would be a place on the map that doesn't require building. Everyone else was livid at worst and disappointed at best.

No group was angrier about the Tilted Town update than the competitive Fortnite community. They spend hours practicing their building, only for Epic to remove the mechanic in one of the central locations on the map.

The r/FortniteCompetitive subreddit was littered with complaints after the content update went live. Tilted Town is horrible for competitive Fortnite, no matter which way you look at it.

Since then, some unlucky Arena players have been treated to a Tilted Town final circle. BenjyFishy, Mir0, and Mongraal - widely regarded as three of the best players in the game - encountered a Tilted Town final zone in one of their Arena Mode scrims.

This clip shows exactly how a Tilted Town zone will play out every time in high-level competitive matches. It's pure chaos, and anyone who doesn't have mobility items will die in seconds.

Not only does Tilted Town destroy the primary reason Fortnite has remained so popular, but it also introduced vaulted weapons back into the loot pool.

As you can see, BenjyFishy has a Double Barrell Shotgun in his inventory - an item that was supposed to be removed from the game.

Epic is in hot water right now, as more and more players are criticizing their tactics. Let's hope they turn it around sooner rather than later.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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