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Fortnite Season 10 is only a day old, but players are already looking for ways to max-out their Battle Pass. Get a head start on Week 2 with these leaked challenges and an update to the BRUTE Squad missions.

Epic did away with challenges in Season 10 in favor of missions. The difference is small, but force you to complete several stages before moving onto the next set of missions.

Each week, we'll be getting a set of weekly challenges that you can complete over the course of the season.

The first week of Season 10 also introduced BRUTE Squad challenges, which will only last one week. A new challenge gets unlocked every day, and you'll need to complete them before the start of week 2.

When data miners like @Lucas7Yoshi got their hands on the Season 10 game files, they found the next batch of challenges. Now we know what's coming next week.

Shootout at Sundown

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All of these challenges are self-explanatory and don't require any guides. All you have to do is visit locations, kill people with pistols and rifles, place highly, and shoot some supply drops to finish this list of missions.

BRUTE Squad Week 2

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As of this writing, the first two challenges are available. Tomorrow, we'll see the "Use the BRUTE in different matches" mission, followed by "apply shields" the next day.

Like the weekly challenges for week 2, none of these challenges require any specific strategy. You can play the game as normal, and maybe take a trip to Snobby and Shifty in a Team Rumble match.

What do you think of the mission structure of Season X? Do you think it's an improvement or more of the same? Let us know on Twitter @FortniteTracker.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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