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The big addition in Fortnite Season 10 is the BRUTE - a two-person mech that can smash, shoot, and rocket-spam opponents into submission. As you might guess, the Fortnite community isn't too happy with their newest toy.

Epic Games is notorious for adding overpowered items without seeming to consider what they'll do to the meta of their incredibly successful game.

Everyone remembers the Infinity Blade debacle, but it appears Epic may have a short memory here. The BRUTE - the newest addition to Fortnite with Season X - is almost as controversial is the Infinity Blade was months ago.

The real kicker to the BRUTE is that it's available in Arena Mode as well. Players are grabbing BRUTES with 1,000 HP and walking through opponents for the win.

One Reddit user thinks that Epic knows exactly what they're doing with crazy, overpowered additions like the BRUTE and Infinity Blade.

The Mech, like the sword, is a toxic marketing strategy. from r/FortniteCompetitive

Both the FortniteBR and FortniteCompetitive subreddits are littered with clips and complaints from the new BRUTE.

The community reaction is clear: this is a step too far.

Streamer Reactions

I feel like the question NickMercs poses in this video hits the nail on the head as to what Epic was thinking with the release of the BRUTE.

They love messing with the game and knew they couldn't do things like this before the World Cup. Now that the event is over, they're throwing everything at us.

This was before Nick ever used the BRUTE. Here's a clip of him driving and killing with SypherPK.

Dakotaz has had plenty of fun of his own in the BRUTE, but the tables got turned on him for this one.

TimtheTatMan made some content in the BRUTE, laughing as he cleared Pleasant Park with nothing but a mech.

HighDistortion cleaned up in Arena mode with the BRUTE as well, having a grand ol' time.

Chap shows us just how much skill is required to use one of the new BRUTE. This is some high-level gameplay right here, folks.

Here's another clip of SypherPK, this time accidentally killing an opponent while blindly jumping around in a BRUTE.

Most of these clips are of popular streamers having fun with the BRUTEs, but no one actually thinks they're a good addition to the game. You can jump around and make some good content, but it really feels like the Infinity Blade all over again.

Hopefully, Epic will come to their senses and vault the BRUTE. Unfortunately, it seems like a chunk of the Battle Pass challenges might be linked to them.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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