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It wasn't long before data miners started digging into the Fortnite v10.00 game files. We have our first leaked weapon: the Automatic Sniper.

A new Fortnite update always means there are going to be some leaks as to what's next. We've seen quite a few leaks come out already, as well as news of a new weapon we'll probably see in the next week or two.

The Fortnite Season 10 update vaulted the Semi-Auto Sniper. This appears to have made way for the new Automatic Sniper, which @Lucas7Yoshi found in the game files.

We don't have the stats on this weapon just yet, but we can assume that the damage will be close to that of the Semi-Auto sniper. It will probably do less damage to the body, but may still be a one-shot headshot.

We'll have to see how fast the fire-rate is, but Fortnite players traditionally gravitate towards high-damage weapons over their quick-firing alternatives - especially in the sniper category.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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